Monday, September 17, 2007


God plans adoptions from Heaven, and he searches the world you see,
for people who long to be parents, people like Daddy and me.
Then, in his own time, he answers the prayer they've been praying so long,
and he finds a child who is waiting, to fill their lives with a song.
You are the child we prayed for, so special, so precious, so sweet!
The one who we'll cherish forever, the one who makes our life complete.

I can't wait to share this poem with Lila.

The most recent adoption news is that we will have a new waiting children list in October. They are sent every few months to the agencies. We will look to see if any of the children might be our little one.

1 comment:

Heather & Jason said...

Hi Chrissy!
I just saw your name on the CHI Blog Roll and stopped to take a look. I love this poem! So precious and sweet. Hope things are going well for you. The waiting is not easy, huh? We're struggling with it too! Good luck and God bless!