Friday, November 13, 2009


This was one of those weeks.

Grace had to stay home from school 4 days with a fever. She went to the doctor, they thought it might be strep but it wasn't so they think it was viral. They never said H1N1 but I'm guessing that's what it was.

Meanwhile Lila had surgery on Tuesday. It was a biopsy that confirmed that she has a condition called Hirschprung's Disease in which part of the colon does not have the nerve cells required for normal function. She will have 2 for sure, possibly 3 surgeries in the next 6-8 months. The first will be after Thanksgiving, probably early December.

My babies are sick! Luckily we have a big fat cat to keep them warm. Isn't Oscar the sweetest little guy to take care of his Grace when she's sick on the couch?

1 comment:

4Dailys said...

Look at my beautiful girl. Oh I miss you so much, my sweet little friend!! I'm so happy Oscar was there to take care of you. I love you so much.
Aunt Becky