The new refrigerator. The old one was from 1987. It was time.

My new stove!
The old one was from approximately 1972. We kept using it because it still worked. It was dying a slow death, was making strange noises and I think I was smelling gas leaks. So this is our beautiful new one!

His funky tie-dyed onesie

Lila's first Easter!

Baby Boy

Harry on the neighbor's garage roof

Easter dresses and baskets!
SPACE AGE! I am so coveting your stove--how many burners does it have? 4, 5, or 6? Does your fridge have the premeasured water option like ours? I love it! The black looks so chic.
Oh yeah, cute kid pictures too!
Congrats on the new appliances!! Little Wyatt is so precious. The girls look adorable together, as usual!
I just showed Doug the pictures of Lila...he hardly recognized her! I think I may have seen a tear in his eye....I don't think he, or I, will ever forget your "Gotcha" moment. Lila stole are hearts and seeing how well she is doing now is just awesome!
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