Wednesday, April 18, 2007

First Post

Wow, that was easy. I just set up our blog for Lila!

Ok, we started this adoption process in March of 2006. We are done with all the paperwork & it is all in China. We were DTC "dossier to China" February 23, 2007 and got our LID "log in date" on March 27, 2007. The log in date means our paperwork has been received the the CCAA (Chinese Center for Adoption Affairs) and has been entered into their computer system. Now the wait begins. Currently the time from LID to referral is 14 months. I am guessing about 18 months-2 years for our wait.

This picture is Grace with all the completed paperwork before we sent it in.

Welcome to our journey!

Thanks for joining us,

The Conant Family
Chrissy & Gerry & Grace
Eagerly waiting for Lila!
Pets: Daphne, Harry, Oscar, Snakey, & George

1 comment:

LedaP said...

Looks good! Before you know it you will have a whole blogland of friends as you surf around, and leave comments. Have fun!