Sunday, November 22, 2009


Today was Lila's baptism. It was also confirmation at our church. It was a busy happy service with lots to celebrate! We waited until now for the baptism so my sister, Becky, could be here. Her kids have all week off school so they were able to fly up for Lila's special day. 2 of my sisters, Becky and Jennifer, are Lila's godparents. Our whole family joined us at home for brunch following the service.

Grace had a rough week. A week ago today her fever returned and went up to 104 degreess. I called the doctor Monday morning. He was able to see her late in the day. He was concerened about her, even saying he "was a little freaked out" because her fever was gone for a couple days then returned. He did a chest xray and some bloodwork. It was the beginning of pneumonia so shot in the little butt and 10 days of antibiotics have her on the mend. She returned to Kindergarten on Friday feeling much more like her normal self.

Lila's next surgery is scheduled for December 8. We check into the hospital on the 7th and will stay about 3 days. I hope they have wireless internet!

1 comment:

Rose said...


It was so great to hear from you! I am so sorry your little ones are under the weather right now. We will keep Lila in our prayers and wish you strength for the upcoming surgery. Lila looks sooo happy!!