Someone asked me the other day how Lila is other than medical news. Ok, I guess we have been so into health issues I haven't shared much else.
We had a speech therapist evaluate Lila because I was concerned that she's not speaking very much. The testing showed that she understands at a 30-36 month old level but is only at 18-21 months verbally. We are starting speech therapy in January. The therapist really thinks she will do well once she starts working with her. She really amused the speech therapist and case worker by dropping trou, shaking her booty, and laughing hysterically (such a proud Mommy moment).
She is into everything, VERY much the terrible 2. The problem is that she has this smile when she gets caught that makes it almost impossible to not laugh. She crawled under the guest room bed all the way to the wall to drag out an old toy I had stuck under there to sell on Ebay. It made me laugh because it was something Grace wouldn't have even considered but Miss Lila is full speed ahead, if she can do it, she will! I think that incredibly, hmm, shall we say, WILLFUL, streak is what she needed to get through the orphanage years and now the medical procedures. My sister noted that God has a sick sense of humor. I believe I was being compared to my daughter and rightfully so. My poor mother.
Anyway, Christmas was wonderful. Santa brought both girls loads of gifts. We had lots of snow and ice so it was a cozy Christmas day at home. The Sunday after we went to Gerry's sister's and spent the day with Grandpa & Grandma, aunts, uncles, and cousins. My family postponed our celebration until January 2nd so my sisters didn't have to drive from Kansas City in the blizzard. I was happy that they chose to stay home where it was safe & warm then make the trip at a better time. When they did get here Grace spent the night with Kyle at the farm. We had so much fun with him here at Thanksgiving that the kids planned another sleepover for Christmas.
Brandon spent 2 days here during Christmas break. He is really enjoying playing with Lila while he & Grace will always be the best of buddies.
The zhu zhu pet seems to be the best gift of the season. Both girls are crazy about Pipsqueak and we have managed to find her every time they have lost her. Lila's new cell phone is missing, I have decided it is somewhere in this house and maybe I'll find it if I ever get all the Christmas decorations put away. That's what I should be working on right now.
After just 2 days back at school Grace had 3 snowdays last week. It was so cold we couldn't even play outside to enjoy all the snow. Brandon was back for 2 of the 3 days so they all 3 played really nicely together. I was incredibly stir-crazy so Saturday's trip to Coco Key with my girlfriends and their kids was a welcome escape. Grace and I needed some one-on-one quality time and have a fantastic and fun day together.
So that's what's up for now. What's new with all my blog friends?
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