Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Truly surprising day to do nothing!

For the first time in what seems like months there was nowhere to GO on the to-do list.  After picking Lila up from school we had the luxury of going to the library to play and leisurely browse through books for me, books for her, books for Grace (ok, I guess I should have found something for Gerry too).  The girls are reading their new books since Gracie got home from school. 

We came home & I cleaned the bathroom but ran out of Scrubbing Bubbles about half-way though.  I decided that was a sign that I had done enough in there for today.  The bathroom had gotten to the point that walls needed to be cleaned, hairspray needed to be scrubbed off all the sufaces, the baseboards needed scrubbing, etc.  I looked around, thought, "ICK", and loaded everything out of there and got to work.  I'm pretty much done except for the absolutely worst part...the bathtub. 

Lila has been playing so nicely all day with her toys while I cleaned and took the time to sit down and do paperwork and computer work that I have been avoiding too.  I was sitting here balancing the checkbook when I heard this coming at me from the kitchen! 

It is still way too wet & muddy to ride outside.  We brought one of the trikes up from the basement yesterday & she has been driving in circles through the house! 

1 comment:

AJ said...

She is growing up so much. Love the pic... at first glance it looked like the big wheel had a Kitty Head on the handle By the way can you come do my bathroomS??? I have inlaws coming in 2 weeks and no energy to even start cleaning.